Product Description
Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema Box of 12
Inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit, we have made it our mission to delight the aficionado by bringing him the widest variety of taste experiences and cigar pleasures. Our experts, led by master blender Henke Kelner, constantly explore every opportunity to create new and diverse ways of ensuring time spent with each Davidoff cigar is time beautifully filled. This challenge took Henke and his team on a search for tobaccos that would enable us to create a unique cigar. They embarked on an adventure through the world’s renowned tobacco regions. They were looking and searching for only the highest quality filler tobaccos and wrappers, right for creating this unique experience. Davidoff’s unique expertise would turn these leaves into the new Davidoff Nicaragua.
This elegant shape is the continuation of the Nicaragua journey. The beautiful Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema provides from the beginning a complex and balanced smoking experience, offering sweet and salty stimulation with some leather notes and a long aftertaste. The new format is aligned with the other Nicaragua cigar in the line regarding the bittersweet taste experience and the peppery & spicy characteristics typical of a Nicaraguan.